From the "Front" in DC on 9/12
Help Save Maryland Newsletter
What an amazing experience to be able to participate in today's Tea Party Rally in DC. The number of participants were off the charts, with hundreds of thousands of citizens from around the U.S. in attendance.
Freedom Plaza could not even begin to handle such a large crowd. The march to the Capital Building was started almost 2 hours early because of the unprecedented number of rally participants.
Kudos to Freedom Works for bringing this event together, to FOX and CNN for fully covering this historic event and to all the Americans who spent their precious time and money to come to DC to express their disgust with our elected officials in Washington.
I enjoyed meeting and talking with so many like minded citizens. A good turnout from HSM and other MD groups. HSM PG Coordinator Pree Glenn-Graves did a wonderful job during her interview with FOX Baltimore TV.
One thing is clear. Citizens united in cause and spirit can not be denied by our lawless representatives in Congress.
Healthcare and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens are TOAST. But only if we work together in the coming months to give a proper burial to both concepts. Help Save Maryland!
Brad Botwin, Director
Help Save Maryland