Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Costs of Illegal Immigration for Frederick County

Illegal Immigration Costs Frederick County Residents $56,587,264.00 PerYearFREDERICK -

Help Save Maryland (HSM) calculates that the cost ofillegal immigration to Frederick County taxpayers will be over$56,587,264.00 next year.

This amount is the cost of public education,emergency healthcare and incarceration for illegal aliens. HSM basesits calculations on recent information provided by the MarylandDepartment of Planning and the Federation for American ImmigrationReform (FAIR).

“Our citizens should be outraged,” said Steve Berryman, the HSMcoordinator for Frederick County. “Given the difficult economicsituation many Frederick County taxpayers find themselves in, whathousehold can afford to pay $790.00 each year to support people who areliving here illegally?”

HSM’s calculations do not include the cost of other social servicesprovided by the County, like day laborer centers and non-emergencyhealth clinics. Nor do they include the value of state and county grantsand contracts paid to organizations that serve a predominantly illegalclientele, such as CASA de Maryland, Identity Inc., Catholic Charities,Centro Familia and the Latino Economic Development Corporation.

“And we didn’t even begin to try to estimate the economic losses,and pain and suffering that will be inflicted upon Frederick Countyresidents next year due to rising crime, gang violence, housing codeviolations and traffic accidents caused by illegal aliens,” said BradBotwin, Director of Help Save Maryland. “If we had, the cost would bemuch, much higher.

”Help Save Maryland is a grass-roots, multi-ethnic, non-partisancitizens’ organization opposed to the use of tax dollars on programsand services for illegal aliens in Maryland. It has members in 23counties & Baltimore City.

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