Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is this 'discrimination'?

Is this 'discrimination'?

Originally published February 18, 2011
The Frederick News-Post

By Steven R. Berryman

Should Maryland "discriminate" by law against offering in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants? Testimony was taken in Annapolis on Wednesday concerning Prince George's Democratic Sen. Victor Ramirez's bill SB 167, which would allow just that.

Discrimination has various meanings; we all know that race and color distinctions are "illegal" as a basis on which to discriminate in America.

Illegal means "against the law," for the benefit of some liberals who wish to ignore definitions, choose their own facts, and obfuscate information contrary to their immutable positions. The term "illegal immigrant" defines those entering our country without a visa, or overstaying a valid visa.

Discrimination also means to choose, as in choosing your spouse or girlfriend by selecting him or her out of your various other acquaintances. Your actions tell the world that you have a preference.

In Maryland, we have our share of legal residents who have difficulty finding a slot in state-subsidized colleges. More want to go to the University of Maryland, for instance, than will fit.

Many, including the leader of, (the link is down temporarily, go here instead:, Brad Botwin, believe that maintaining a preference for lawful residents works best for most in our state; it's morally defensible!

Our laws and Constitution do not qualify anyone to an automatic higher education; it is a privilege, not a right. Granting in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants makes no sense, as it is illegal to hire them upon graduation anyway.

Plus, offering illegal (or undocumented, if you are a liberal) immigrants preference for college makes Maryland even more of a "magnet state" if we enact SB 167.

Offering anyone any incentive to come to America illegally for free health care and cheap education compared with their home countries is a bad financial move for us at the state and federal levels, but has even more terrible costs. Gang violence is on the rise, primarily by illegal immigrants from Central America.

Our chief of police in Frederick, Kim Dine, recently attended an Arizona conference confirming just that. County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins is second to none in being proactive on this issue.

Only last week, in nearby Northern Virginia, Jose Oswaldo Reyes-Alfaro, a criminal from El Salvador in the U.S. illegally, was charged with committing a triple homicide. Had this man been stopped at the border or detected in-state after overstaying a temporary visa, these three people would still be alive today.

This is but one of many examples of the negative consequences of illegal immigration in America.

A proposal such as in-state tuition that is automatically granted -- essentially as a right -- can have far-reaching, unintended consequences as described above, even with the best of intentions.

In an era of negative state and federal bank accounts, and where our own Immigration and Customs Enforcement readily admits it does not have the manpower to find even our visitors who intentionally overstay their visas, why would we intentionally allow our own children to get bumped out of the college that we fund for taxpaying citizens?

Or are we satisfied with the policy decisions by our lawmakers to keep Maryland a "sanctuary state" in the eyes of lawbreakers who illegally take advantage of our good humanitarian nature?

Do discriminate against illegal immigrants.

Steven R. Berryman writes from Frederick.


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February 18, 2011 @ 01:58 AM: br5ju19

He’s right...a total squirrel with next to no ability to write a newspaper column, but today’s message is dead-on correct.


February 18, 2011 @ 03:39 AM: milt

You have written a very good column Steve. Your comments are exactly correct. Keep it up. Thank you!


February 18, 2011 @ 04:04 AM: seandupree

What I object to is the implication that liberals are responsible for illegals. Not once has this columnist, or any of the other conservative demagogues like him, ever recognized the real source of the problem. It is turning our heads as big business imports and hires illegals. Liberals don't own the business that continue to pay these people and make them in fact citizens of the State. Many of their children are, by dint of conservatives, legal Americans who have broken no laws.


February 18, 2011 @ 05:24 AM: Bbbbbbb9095

Great column Liberals are by far willing to support illegals. The state of Maryland proves it.


February 18, 2011 @ 06:24 AM: Oldog3

Seandupree , It is you liberals that enable illegal’s the most amigo ..........I am all for throwing the employers that enable illegal’s in jail along with the Los Mojados !!…………………….


February 18, 2011 @ 06:25 AM: qoph

Spot on, Steve. And very well written today.


February 18, 2011 @ 06:37 AM: jill.king8

Mr. Berryman, although I do not like how you define discrimination, this is a very well thought out column. I think most would agree. Foreign students have been attending universities in the US for decades; a vast majority of them EARNING their way through college through grades and technological advances. Never should we give a discount to those unworthy. If created there should be a scale or grade level to achieve, never the less earning a right to be there in the first place. Have them sign a commitment paper to make use of education in their home country.


February 18, 2011 @ 07:31 AM: Crustybachelor

A pro discrimination column. And who is next on the list ? Blacks ? Jews ? Women ?


February 18, 2011 @ 07:39 AM: friedhard

you forgot to mention that they spread leprosy.


February 18, 2011 @ 07:46 AM: LastAngryMan

In state tuition for illegal aliens should never be granted. If anything, they should be charged the same rates, and meet the same requirements as international students; after-all, that is exactly what they are. If you grant in state tuition to illegal aliens, then why not grant in state tuition to American Citizens from out of state? After all, the parents of American students pay federal taxes every year, which is far more than the illegal aliens do. In state tuition was designed to provide a financial break to residents of a state that actually pay state taxes which support the state funded universities and colleges. Illegal aliens don't, and have not supported these instiutions. Last, by granting in state tuition to illegal aliens, we will be giving them preference over American citizens (once again) at a great cost to the American taxpayer. If this garbage bill passes, I predict public outrage and more than a few recalls even in a liberal asylum like Maryland!


February 18, 2011 @ 07:53 AM: doreenmcgill

Is state Sen. Ramirez looking for votes from the illegal community by proposing SB167 in state tuition for illegals? Illegals voting??? No problem in Maryland.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:06 AM: doreenmcgill

The actual definition and meaning of the word "discriminate"?--Alas, thanks to lawyers and politicians the meanings and definitions of words have become fluid and whatever anyone wants them to mean in any given situation. Remember President Clinton famously saying, "it all depends on what is means". Great column this morning!


February 18, 2011 @ 08:08 AM: ManFromMontCo

This column is just another meaningless rant by the FNP's own illegal immigrant baiter. He does not understand even the most simplest of things, namely, that the word 'illegal' in "illegal immigrant" is just a label with no legal significance at all. The bill is a good one; it simply continues the long-held practice of allowing in-state residents, i.e., people who pay in-state taxes and generate in-state cash flow and business, a more favorable tuition rate for a higher education, independent of immigration status. SB167 should be passed forthright.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:15 AM: touscents

Very good column. Though I might argue that in some ways illegals help our economy, I agree that giving them in-state tuition would be a drain. I would also point out that illegals would still have to earn their way into the college system with grades, etc. Some people would like to extend Steve's thoughts by preventing children of illegals from attending public schools, as that is also a drain on the economy. That, I think, would be a mistake, leading to a dangerous, uneducated lower class.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:25 AM: niles_johson

Steve you have never written a column about the foreign soldiers in the salt mines under the Great Lakes waiting in ready to implement the New World Order. Do you not believe this anymore? What about the jack-booted thugs you always used to go on about -- do they not exist? Inquiring minds want to know where preeminent scholars such as yourself stand on these issues. Screw the low-hanging fruit of race-baiting adulation, we need the dirt on the conspiracies!


February 18, 2011 @ 08:27 AM: pumper

Dirty hand indivduals whining about equality is like a criminal whining about his sentence.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:34 AM: qoph

@Crustybachelor--Only the Blacks, Jews and women who are here illegally.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:40 AM: Rockbjohnson

It is the Federal Govt. job to arrest and deport all ILLEGAL aliens. It is time for Obama and congress to step forward and do the job they were elected to do, instead of suing states like Arizona who are trying to stop the invasion.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:43 AM: qoph

@ManFromMontCo--Man, I don't know where to start with you. How about "most simplest"? And "illegal" has "no legal significance at all"? If the latter be true, how come it is "illegal" for employers to give them jobs? You must have started drinking early this morning.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:50 AM: mike.rowley

Steve: You are a smart guy. Please stop pitting the political parties against each other. The blame game is for halfwits and hacks who can't muster an argument. Good letter.


February 18, 2011 @ 08:51 AM: qoph

@touscents--I actually agree with you this morning. Except to note that we already have a "dangerous, uneducated lower class."


February 18, 2011 @ 08:55 AM: joelp77440

Big business is the cause of illegal immigration.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:02 AM: amphibo

A last gasp from the white minority. Steve, if you think a blond haired blue eyed angel will be servicing your needs at the nursing home... good luck!


February 18, 2011 @ 09:09 AM: djsmjp

Good column, except their is enough political blame to go around on both sides of the "aisle". The Sainted Reagan's amnesty program. Long story short, neither politcal party is going to get rid of 12-20 million consumers and cheap labor. Heck, they don't have the will to balance the budget- but I do think that an well educated workforce, no matter what their status is a plus. The well educated pay more taxes and generally are not involved in crime.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:17 AM: niles_johson

Qaf, they are equivalent in Wallace Beeeryman's mind. And you stoop to name-calling? Sad, dude, just sad.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:30 AM: public

The author doesn't go quite far enough. Not only should in-state tuition be withheld from illegal immigrants, it should also be withheld from Maryland residents whose academic preparation for college is worse than an illegal immigrant's.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:32 AM: drumdigger1976

Maybe if Maryland becomes enough of a magnet state, bigots like Berryman and Botwin will leave. If only it would become so...


February 18, 2011 @ 09:33 AM: public

Also, I like how Berryman has managed to annex the headline area as yet another space in which to improperly use quotation marks.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:51 AM: qoph

@niles_johson--Okay, niles, you have my attention for a few seconds. I called no one names. Your post I ignored as not deserving comment. Please enlighten me. But read carefully first.


February 18, 2011 @ 10:02 AM: kapahuluhaole

Welfare is the cause of illegal immigration.


February 18, 2011 @ 10:25 AM: qoph

@public--If you are concerned with proper English usage, stop splitting infinitives.


February 18, 2011 @ 10:27 AM: public

Splitting infinitives is okay.


February 18, 2011 @ 10:50 AM: Oldog3

According to the punk Boy O’Malley they are not illegal they are “NEW AMERICANS “


February 18, 2011 @ 11:50 AM: Sunsetblues48

Excellent column, Steve! I'd like to see a series of column's on the burdon that illegal immigration that falls on the American taxpayers with the perks that they recieve when they enter this country illegally and the organizations that help them get it. With the help of O'Malley, Leggett and Bab's Mikulski, they have made this possible by financially supporting Casa de Maryland to open up Day Labor Centers, provide cheap housing and social services to them with our tax paid dollars. Casa would not be able to operate with out our money. But hey, they got voted in again so we're still stuck with the same ole, same ole diry handed deals. We also need to make people who hire illegals accountable and fine them heavily along with enforcing E-Verify and making it mandatory. And enough about us being decendent by immigrants! My ancestors arrived at Ellis Island, signed the book, were processed properly and were held accountable. This constant allowance of illegal immigrants to cross the border and expect us to take care of them has got to stop. Just ask the border agents families that were targeted and killed this week all because they were just doing their jobs. Our elected officials including Reagan, Bush and McCain didn't help this situation but Obama has the power to stop this and control the borders. They all have blood on their hands.


February 18, 2011 @ 12:21 PM: glen.krc

public - My understanding is the FNP staff titles these pieces. Previous columnists have indicated so.


February 18, 2011 @ 02:40 PM: morissa2n

@Bbbbbb9095 "Great column Liberals are by far willing to support illegals. The state of Maryland proves it." REALLY? Lets have a look at Perdue shall we? You MAY have heard of them. Located in MARYLAND, 20,000 employees in MD. Here is a link to information on how many illegals they hire. Here is a link to their campaign contributions for 2010 via the National Chicken Council PAC (46% to Democrats, 54% to Republicans) And here is a list of their contributions throughout the years: (58% Rep 19% Dem) Is Perdue a company who supports "liberals"? Seems to me that Perdue supports the GOP because the GOP supports them. Illegals and all.


February 18, 2011 @ 02:41 PM: morissa2n

@Bbbbbb9095 "Great column Liberals are by far willing to support illegals. The state of Maryland proves it." REALLY? Lets have a look at Perdue shall we? You MAY have heard of them. Located in MARYLAND, 20,000 employees in MD. Here is a link to information on how many illegals they hire. Here is a link to their campaign contributions for 2010 via the National Chicken Council PAC (46% to Democrats, 54% to Republicans) And here is a list of their contributions throughout the years: (58% Rep 19% Dem) Is Perdue a company who supports "liberals"? Seems to me that Perdue supports the GOP because the GOP supports them. Illegals and all.


February 18, 2011 @ 03:33 PM: amphibo

OldDog... Punk boy O'Malley? Time to grab your musket and women and head for the morman compounds out west. As for 'liberals'... what the patriotic capitalists can't outsource overseas they stiff the working man at home.


February 18, 2011 @ 05:40 PM: touscents

Qoph, "we already have a dangerous, uneducated lower class." Are you talking about the Great Qoph again? Just kidding :-)


February 18, 2011 @ 07:01 PM: bb67chev

It makes zero sense to provide a subsidized college education to an illegal alien. After graduation from college they still are not allowed to legally work, vote or abtain a drivers' license in Maryland. Don't force our children to attend college out of state by allowing illegal aliens to bump them out from the limited seats available at Maryland colleges and universities.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:14 PM: lemmiwinks5747

Good read Berryman- Pleasant to see you got you moxie back. Please continue with politeness and consideration of ALL political persuasions. Too many within the realm of formal writing (and posts in particular) choose an aire of viciousness that is of a 3 rd grade mentallity which has become (unfortunately) representative of the majority of society. Yeah people are stressed out, pissed off, tired of supporting those that have an entitlement mentallity, however we ALL need to keep our witts about us and try hard (HARDER) to maintain civility. It is odd though- If I had to put up with the crap conditions that our hard working (NOT THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT) illegal bretheren had to put up with where they came from-I would risk my life and family too to live here. Maybe perhaps our Feds should think outside the box. I wish I had a magic bullet.


February 18, 2011 @ 09:31 PM: nwyrkghos

All the illegals working for local hick owned landscaping and construction companies must be working for "liberals".


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